Monday, November 10, 2008

10 Types of Cacao

The genetic diversity of cacao is more than previously thought:

The article states, "Instead of identifying two main genetic groups, the researchers found ten genetic clusters, which they classified as Marañon, Curaray, Criollo, Iquitos, Nanay, Contamana, Amelonado, Purús, Nacional, and Guiana."

This is great news for the future of chocolate. Let the marketing changes begin!

New York Chocolate Show

I'm finally settling down from the excitement from the Chocolate Show in New York. This year it was at Pier 94. The venue was much improved, with wider lanes and more breathing room. Its too bad it rained, but the turn out seemed more than expected for a rainy day. I noticed quite a few people with zip lock bags in their purses collecting free samples of chocolate. It would seem people weren't too interested in buying, but more on collecting as much chocolate as they could. I noticed one of the cheesiest attempts at getting a sample of everything. A man asked for a sample of every single chocolate, because he was testing for an upcoming work event. How hilarious! It obviously didn't work. On the plus side, I purchased over 130 bars of chocolate from Pralus, Amedei, Guittard, Boissier, and Valrhona. I ran into a few folks from past shows and I was recorded for an upcoming episode of "On the Road" that will feature the Chocolate show in New York. Due out in December. I was shocked to taste how good the 100% Pralus bar tasted. It did not taste like a 100% bar. I'm already looking forward to next year. I have to say, next year I'll definitely go on Friday. Saturday has way too many people that are simply looking for free samples.